Who’s a Spitfire? Meet Sheri Goad…

Time to feature another entry in the Spitfire Writers & Characters Contest!

Some of you have already met this Spitfire Writer…Sheri Goad…aka goadingthepen.   She’s a children’s writer and blogger and finalist in the ABC PB Contest.  If you haven’t already done so, you’ll want to check out her Awesome Author Contests.  Here are Sheri’s thoughts on being a spitfire:

Spitfire: Little Me

My momma’s little spitfire;
Ask her she’ll admit.
I was quiet the feisty thing,
She had her share of it.

I filled my drawers with shaving cream,
Cracked eggs onto the floor.
As if that wasn’t just enough,
I broke the bathroom door.

I decorated every wall,
With markers red and blue.
Then flushed them down the toilet,
The moment I was through!

I threw spaghetti on the floor
The dog wanted a snack.
She shook her finger crazily,
Some day you’ll get this back!

And though I had no clue
What she was talking about…
As I catch jello shooting from the fan….
I think I’ve figure it out.

 Sheri Goad

As the mother of a spitfire, I TRULY appreciated this one!   Are you a spitfire?  Do you have a favorite spitfire character?  Email me your entry by the end of the day Tuesday, September 25.   It’s kmessner at katemessner dot com (no spaces).   Your name could be drawn to win a signed copy of SPITFIRE and a box of Lake Champlain Chocolates!