Where to find me at #NCTE10

I’ll be leaving bright and early Friday morning for the National Council of Teachers of English conference, where I’ll be through Monday.  Here’s my schedule, in case you’ll be there, too, and would like to see one of my presentations, have a book signed, share your chocolate, or just say hello.

I’m wearing my teacher-hat on Friday, and I’ll be introducing two author friends who are speaking at 2:30 in the Acapulco Room — Wendy Mass and Danette Haworth. Both are brilliant writers and witty, wonderful people – I can’t wait to hear their talks.

On Saturday, I change gears and wear my author hat for a full day of presentations & book signing.


Virtual Author Visits Presentation
Coronado Ballroom S

Signing THE BRILLIANT FALL OF GIANNA Z. and SUGAR AND ICE at Bloomsbury/Walker – Booth #813

Signing ARCs of MARTY MCGUIRE (my chapter book illustrated by Brian Floca!) at Scholastic – Booth #312

(Note: My agent noted that my first signing ends at 10:30, the same time the second one begins.  She suggested I wear roller skates.  I am hoping that NCTE has teleporting capabilities in the convention center. Or fireplaces with floo powder in each publisher’s booth.)

Middle Level Mosaic – Presentations & Author Speed Dating event
Coronado Ballroom L


ALAN cocktail party
Fiesta 6 Ballroom
(How could this not be fun? It is full of authors and teachers and is in the Fiesta  ballroom?!)


ALAN Breakout Session: The Perks of Being a Wallflower Writer
I’m on a panel with David Macinnis Gill, Jo Knowles, & Chris Crowe

Hope to see some of you in Orlando!