The smell of autumn…

My weekend was full of gushy pumpkin guts, fresh-baked bread, ripe red apples, and yellow river leaves.  For this, I am thankful…

Montreal’s Atwater Market — always a feast for the senses!

This bakery (above & below) was the model for the patisserie  in my MG Contemporary novel that’s making the rounds right now.  Needless to say, my research was extensive!

On Saturday, we took advantage of the warm temperatures to hike Mount Baker in Saranac Lake.

On one bright fall hike each year, we always collect a few leaves to press.  These are sleeping between the pages of my phone book now.  On Thanksgiving, we’ll shake them out to decorate the table and remember the smells of late October…

14 Replies on “The smell of autumn…

  1. Aaahhh…the leaves are lovely! My niece is sending me a box full of leaves. My girls want to know if they’ll be able to jump in them. 🙂