Someone should have told me…

…that when one visits one’s book in a real live bookstore for the first time, one is overcome by an almost insurmountable urge to hide behind a bookshelf and watch to see who picks it up and what kinds of faces they make.

I restrained myself, though, and went to find the other historical fiction titles I wanted for my Fall Fireside Basket of Historical Fiction to raffle off at the launch.

Spitfire is about a girl who disguises herself as a boy and fights in a Revolutionary War battle on Lake Champlain, and tomorrow is my first signing.  I’m scared and excited …but mostly excited.  Bonnie Shimko will be there, too, signing Letters in the Attic, which is out in paperback now. This makes me feel better because a) I won’t be alone, and b) Bonnie is friendly and warm and funny, which is always a good thing.

6 Replies on “Someone should have told me…

  1. Go Kate!

    Congratulations and have a super fun time today.
    Suggest you bring crayons and if you get bored, you can color in the black and white graphic novels as a special surprise for people. **Just kidding but it beats eating your way through the cheesecake display!**

  2. Re: Go Kate!

    My husband and I were hysterical when we read your advice. Thanks for the good wishes! (My crayons are packed!)

    P.S. Do you really think they’ll have cheesecake…? Mmmmm…