Some updates…

Several people have sent me notes & comments asking about the progress in the Case of the Journal in the Woods.   For now, it remains in the possession of a multi-generational group of Nancy Drew wannabes.  We’ve been told that Kris at the DEC takes care of the old trail logs, where there might be evidence of who hiked the trails noted on particular dates in the journal, and we’ve emailed Kris a list of dates.  He said he’d check it out and get back to us within a couple weeks.  I’ll keep you posted!

As for the powder horns on the roof…  they smell bad.  Yesterday, the rain washed one of them down the roof slope almost to the gutter.  I need to climb out and bring it back up tomorrow so it doesn’t fall onto the car in the driveway below.  A broken windshield would be a crummy end to this experiment.