Congratulations, Highgate Students!

Last year, I had an author visit with students at Highgate Elementary School in Vermont, and the kids told me all about the project they were working on — a book called Lake Champlain, A to Z, Past & Present.  They were in the research stages when we met to share writing stories, and they knew that there would be a whole lot of writing, revision, and editing ahead of them.

Fast forward now to a couple weeks ago, when I received an invitation in the mail.  The Highgate kids were planning a big celebration of the publication of their finished book!  I was scheduled to be away at a conference on that day, but thanks to the magic of Skype and some tech-savvy teachers, I was able to be a virtual guest so I could congratulate the kids on their accomplishment, author to author.  Their librarian also sent me a digital copy of the book, which is just gorgeous.  Here’s a sampling, shared with permission.

Pretty fantastic, huh?  I have a feeling we’ll be hearing a lot more from these authors.

Congratulations, Highgate Elementary students, on a job so very well done!