Book Signing Pictures & Contest Winners!

I’m heading off to teach this morning after a fantastic, fun book signing in the Finger Lakes this weekend.  Thanks so much to everyone who came out to the Pat Rini Rohrer Gallery in Canandaigua, where we signed books and where my mom is one of the featured artists this month.  In-laws, cousins, and my parents’ neighbors and church friends all showed up — even my piano teacher from when I was nine years old!  (Thanks, Mrs. Webster… You look just the same and are still just as nice. And I really am sorry I didn’t practice more.)

Here we are signing…Don’t we look like we’re concentrating very hard?  (Thanks to my sister-in-law Linda for sharing her pictures!)

Here are Mom & Dad, visiting with friends. They are at the healthy snack table. I was over at the other table, eating candy corn.

Here I am signing a book, with Dad making sure that I’m doing it right.  Some things never change, huh?
That’s the original cover art for Champlain and the Silent One on the table easel!

And speaking of Champlain and the Silent One…I have a signed copy to give away this morning!  I had written all the names of the people who entered on little slips of paper, but I forgot to have my kids draw a winner before they went to bed, so instead, I called on the online Random Integer Generator, which never sleeps.  And it chose…. (drum roll, please…)

Congratulations, Number 19!!!

Oh wait…you don’t know who that is, do you?   Here.

jbknowles , please email me with your mailing address and I’ll get your book in the mail.

Thanks for entering, everyone!  Have a fantastic week!

17 Replies on “Book Signing Pictures & Contest Winners!

  1. Great photos! The one of you and your mom made me smile. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who looks so much like my mother. I don’t know about you, but I’m fine with it now, but wasn’t so much when I was a teen.

  2. me too – I went to a workshop on Saturday otherwise I’d have come to the bookstore! my library clerk loved Spitfire (she’s a historical fiction buff and yanked it out of my hands before I could read it) and we’re going to get more copies so that our students can do lit groups with it when they study the revolution… so now I’m looking forward to seeing The Silent One too!