August Visitors

We’ve had some colorful visitors stop by the house lately…

The monarch butterflies are loving my Echinacea.

And this little guy has made appearances on our beach twice this week…

It’s a mink, we think, a member of the weasel family.  Some of you may have read

‘s entries about the weaselly creature that showed up at her house a few weeks ago and looked a lot like a wolverine.  I think this may be a smaller, cuter, distant cousin.  He spent the afternoon frolicking up and down the shore, climbing into drainage pipes, and then playing peek-a-boo before jumping out again.  We’re trying to think of a name for him (or her).  Any suggestions?

5 Replies on “August Visitors

  1. Ahh, yes the echinacea…cone flowers. I had some nice ones in my yard when I lived in NH…one of my favorite flowers…and a beautiful picture, Kate. Are you going to go into the business someday and make postcards of all your great pictures? I have a cousin in VT who does that.

  2. Love the photo of the butterfly on the Echinacea. I wonder if you can make tea from those flowers that would keep you healthy all winter?

    Names .. hmm .. Minx, Boo, Bob ..